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  1. I Think I Rekt the machine lol

    1. I cant find my save files, nor can I save over the older version on windows 10... any helpful advice on keeping my saved game?

    2. Hi I read you comment ,
      I use this method:
      -type in search bar %appdata%
      -then you should search for a folder named FlashPlayer
      -there should be 2 or more folder open #SharedObjects
      -then there is a folder with a random name(open it)
      -open then the folder local host
      -there should be the folder where you installed
      the pattern should be like this
      Flash Player\#SharedObjects\7743T78W\localhost\Desktop\Hecci\SIMBRO\SimBro1,5a\SimBro1,5a\simbro.exe"
      Note that Roamnig'folder is default choosen when search %appdata%.
      hope you find it useful.

  2. there is a way to drop alice dignity to 40? i wanna fuck her so bad.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey do you know how can I drop her dignity to 40-? I wanna know please (I think you said how and the autors deleted your message so I hope you can send me a message or something please)

    3. not yet, eventually it will be implemented.

    4. You can cheat the system by using cheat engine ;P that way you can have her tend to a "Massage" room, but you still cant do her yourself, can only watch :3

    5. I think there is a dway to fuck her if u go on date with her and click cheesy puns and jokes .. but the game always stops if i do so :(

    6. How do get to the cheats menu

    7. Click the version number in the top right corner of the main menu 5 times and type the debug code

  3. Any chance of the female PC getting asked for a raise or dominated by one of her male thugs?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. as does Alice event in the shower? I lowered the dignity to 50 and nothing happened.

    1. I lowered the dignity to 45. And now i can ask her bj after date or find her in gh room and use she. No sex )) She is virgin.

  6. alice have a chance like other girl to be surprised under the shower be patient lol ;)
    is it possible to do this event many times or only 1?
    congratulations for updates this game is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo great ^^

  7. Thanks production team. Very fond of the game. There are several opinions on the game, I hope you can reference.
    1. Add the more clothing.
    2. The more interactive on the bar.
    3. dialogue in the case of a call girl more choices.
    4. Add props.(the sexy toy?)
    5. Other more local open.
    6. The newly added sound to be improved.

  8. What is it About the Hitomi in the basement i dont get it you just have sex with her (DNA) and i spent 60+ days and she didnt open the room so that means its under dev.... You should return the Alice dream.


  9. below 45-esteem Alice not to give ?

  10. There is a bug when you try to release the sexual slaves, it doesn't update on time, so it only fixes when one goes to the city and come back to the house. By the way great game! I wanna see ASAP the version 9.0a!

  11. Why is it that when you play as a women your MOOD can't keep up with you if you have sex more than 2 times a day? For the NPC women all you do is give them a little money bonus and their mood goes up faster but not as the main female character. Other than that, I love this game and can't wait for it to be finished.

  12. My suggestions, I love these games especially this one and I don't want to see it droped! its amazing keep up the good work!

    - More Scenes
    - More Girl-Girl scenes
    - Female MC only 1 scene w/ girls & no XP from scenes like with male MC
    - Female lead is hard to get XP with w/o using her as a working girl as well
    - Female MC is only girl that can girl on girl
    - Slave interaction
    - MMF is only scene, a MFF or FFF scene would be amazing
    - Pimp out slaves (Higher profit for them as you dont have to pay, but more risk for cops or retaliation)
    - Male workers
    - Let males into rooms as workers and have female customers (This could work for girl-girl too, and have girl sexuality)
    - Male slaves/captives
    - More scenes with Hitomi including access for female MC
    - More Room Options
    - Look at adding new rooms or tiers of rooms (yoga studio, requires staff to have "X" flexibility with custom scenes & higher profits)
    - Add more hotel space to accommodate for new room types
    - Better Map Interaction
    - More maps/locations
    - Bar interaction for female MC
    - Game play
    - Female customers (mentioned earlier) allows for more options as well as using male MC at start to service female customers much like female MC can
    - Bug with releasing sex slaves as mentioned in comment above
    - Way to drop Alice esteem enough to have/use her
    - More maids or even more "classes"

    Hope this helps i look forward to updates!

    1. I also think they should add coloring options to hair-styles, a whole lot more clothes and clothes in different colors.

  13. I don't know, is the version 9.0 even out? I can only play version 8.0b... Even when I download it, it's Version 8.0b... Pls help! :)

  14. Me too, it's version 8.0b.
    And.. how can I build the gloryhole?
    thanks :)

  15. how do you increase stamina?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. what happens if you take a shower with the doors open????

    1. And what happen if you do it as the female main character

    2. When male MC goes to the shower, there will be the possibility of finding (once per day) a girl inside the shower, If the door is open you will have the option to talk to her and after like 2 lines you will smex, or just ASSault her and directly go to smex, if the door is closed you can knock on the door and ask for smex, or just leave without smex if your gay. (when you shower yourself nothing will happen, just waste 45 min for +10 hygiene.
      If you are Female MC, you wont get the girl in the shower option, you will have the option of either shower with door open or closed, if door is closed then again, waste 45 min for +10 hygiene. if door is open there will be the possibility (almost 100% as long as they have stamina) of one of your MALE bodyguards visiting (if you only have 1 male body guard he will just say hello, if you have 2+ then he will say XX told me you are here) then you have the option of 1)close the door and the dude will go, 2)ask directly to have him join you for some smexy time, 3)tease him till he cant take it anymore and ASSault you. thats pretty much it.

    3. 2 things for male MC, 1) Julia doesnt take showers (she probably stinks ALOT by now lol)
      2) Alice will have different scene if you catch her showering, if her dignity is above 50, then the door will be closed and she will ask you to leave, if same or lower then 50 there is a special scene there, it will happen only once and then Alice will stop taking showers (Stinky hoe)

  18. hi,
    How can i creato the gloryholeroom?
    How much time i must wait after "next progress is under construction" with the robot?
    Where can i buy the sex toys?

    Thank you

  19. New scene of Alice in the shower is perfect!
    Such great idea)

  20. My suggestions, I love these games especially this one and I don't want to see it droped! its amazing keep up the good work!

    -More Girl-girl scene > its kinda a must.
    -Julia shower scene! (cmon dudes Julia doesnt even shower once! she gotta be stinky after the YEARS you had the brother up and she STILL didnt shower!!!)
    -Alice more then one shower scene (even if she locks the door later after the special scene, she still needs to take a shower now and then, so she wont stink)
    -Slum hookers need to have more then 1 time ride, like after you do her have another option rather then just hire or leave, that option needs to be to go another round.
    -Female MC needs to be allowed in the bar to hook some girl up
    -Bartender needs to be optionable for hire
    -Have an option to pay debt when the thugs come in and then have them leave the MC alone forever.
    -Have options that if you hire a slave, her dignity will go up by a little each day, and if she reaches X points she will try to run away from you, with that also have an option of throwing girls into the dungeon and each day inside will lower their dignity by 10 (have that option only for former slaves). and have a counter of how many times was the slave broken, that if she was broken more then X times she will not try to run away anymore.
    -Have option to SMEX ALICE (probably the most asked thing since creation of the game, lol)
    -MORE ROOMS, i find it that after you fill the basements with dorms and upper floor with beds, the game is kind of done with recruitings, needs to have the option to expand the place, like a 2nd and 3rd floors or more basements.
    -remove skill cap, 25 is nice and all, but after girls reach lvl 40-50 they are stuck with skills at lvl 25 and its boring.
    -female MC night scenes
    -Option to stop night scenes all together (like lock the door for the night option, or something like that).
    -Cop scenes even if converted the place, no cop scenes what so ever if you make the massage cover? , and as its hard to play without a girl at the desk, not converting right away is not really an option.
    -When first Cop scene happens have more endings then just "they are fooling you bub and they are innocent" like having the male cop rape alice or mc if she is female, and if MC is male then have cop do alice and female cop do MC, thus having cops as clients option.
    -Male slaves
    -have the robot as a maid and/or hooker option
    -More room types, like a spa for girls to relax and boost their mood, or gym to increase stamina without the lvl up.
    -Have Traits matter more, i liked that for Tsundere you cant hire from bar and that she will break ur balls when you try to fire her, more stuff like that. (lazy and klepto have some stuff for those traits, but not enough i think).
    -have traits explained and have trait bonuses and debuffs.
    -have more areas open (will probably happen in the distant future)
    -have option to buy houses to open more brothels (this option should be unlocked only when you finish paying the debt)

    1. I guess the more room could easyly resolved with upgrade-levels. For Example Dorm lvl1 has room for two people, dorm lvl 2 5 people (tripple buying cost nearly double upkeep for example) Same for security rooms. Gives bonussecurity with higher levels if someone is working inside. And Bedrooms might give new scenes with toys or groups for example. And more money.

      For that you might need to lower your girls dignity, wwhich would make that stat more interesting. Like Dignity 40 is Gloryhole, 30 Bedroom 20 Gangbang, 10 Gangbang in the streets. 0 = your fantasy.

      Plus it would be nice if you can unequip your clothes or the cloths of your slaves at last. In fact at the moment I cant really see the use of the payed slaves. They even cost more money during upkeep than the normal ones. Considering all the stuff you had to build and hire its simply not useful. (besides the raping scenes of corse.)
      Maybe nerly no payment, but security is relevant to keep out cops from the underground area too, might solve the problem.

      And Maybe an slave with dignity 0 could sleep in the Dungeon too. Working for free and get mood penalty without sex or beeing clean. While she gains mood beeing dirty having as much sex as possible.

  21. Can we have a Linux compatible binary plz?

  22. Replies
    1. Loli.... as in little kids? Hell no!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Damn i have to respect the Face that your so opposed to the Loli/child idea. Ur awesome

    4. i dont like loli either but technicly loli doesnt mean little kid it is a girl who looks young but isnt like rukia in bleach

  23. ^^^ Yesss, pregnant employees is amazing (and have "using condom" as the default option and if you choose not to use your girl can get pregnant)!

    They either have thugs or more girls after 1 week (or something like that). It would really set this sim brothel game far and above all the other ones in existence!

    Please please please, at least in a future update! Love you and thanks <3

  24. there are ways to 5 ways to decrease Alice's dignity each do -5
    1. by listening to her story, then click on wait when she talk about dreams, continue till you get more than a friend, and say yes to a blowjob
    2.when Julia comes say you want her to do a different job, and make Alice stay. so you can keep both Alice and Julia. dignity -5 and mood -10
    3.flirt, panty idea, show them, do it or else I would. dignity -5 and mood -10
    4.when the cops first show up have her stay calm and listen to you (must me level 8 charm) have her close her eyes. dignity -5
    5. make sure you lower her dignity to 50 and make sure to not get the maid room and shower till you do and got straight to the shower when the days start. you will start the shower scene. dignity -5 (if she is clean before you get the chance it will be lost and there is no way to make her dirty)
    possible(6) when you meet the cops again if you have not updated the brothel yet which could be the final nail in the coffein
    something about the robot in the basement.

    1. well you can only get Alice's dignity to 45 need to take off the last five to heave sex. if anyone knows how to get ride of the last five please reply.

    2. Yeah, that would be nice, if anyone, who finds out could share it here :)

    3. can i clarify how to exactly get alice and the shower scene? doesn't seem clear with the above info

  25. Replies
    1. When you fight thugs in slums and they have female party members, if you win, you can catch them at the end of the fight. Can also catch any females that come with the debt collectors. Need to build cages in basement.

  26. such a win for this game!! love the new clothes and hope for more;)
    as always i love helping you guys out with suggestions. what about adding a male shower seen just like the one when playing as a female character. maybe add a julia scene where she pops in there with you to add to the interaction between her and the character. just thoughts. amazing release! :D

  27. day 38 in shower whit Julia anal sex :3

  28. How to link save file with android


    How can i find android app's save data?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. dia 723 y hitomi sigue cargandose Alice no baja de 45 dignidad y almenos chicas al nivel 200 :'v

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. for the robot girl how do i get 100% ive tried can only get to 80%

  33. Hi guys . How can i open the BANK i need to open it so bad :(

  34. Great game guys only 1 issue as of yet, is there any chance you could make a way to unlock more floors? could really use more space.. maybe there is and I'm missing something? If so let me know pls

  35. How can I build another floor ???

    1. After cops come for 2nd time talk with Alice about business and build what she ask for

  36. Shemale girls and more floors to the house plus new building

  37. I love this. somehow much more fun than the similar "strumpets". the storyline got me hooked, and I'm very interested to see where it goes.

    as a perv, of course I'd like to see even more scenes.
    but >as a game<, it needs more than that to keep it from getting too repetitive after 40+ days.
    so I'd suggest another upgrade for the brothel, with more types of rooms and options (dungeons, orgies, events..), that maybe demand to get a better class of girls (expand the world) or upgrade them in a specific direction.

    you've really laid the groundwork to make this something great.
    keep it up.

  38. Can you make a download for iphone

  39. The newest build isn't the mac download

  40. when is the next update?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Replies
    1. When you wander around the slums, and you hire girls. when you see a thug it gives you 3 options: pay, fight, and peace. Click on the peace button and then have the option of hiring a thug.

  44. How do i raise stamina with an guy character wich stat do i have to improve ?

    1. Raise the stamina stat just like the other stats by clicking it.

  45. I can't play the game for some odd reason. I was able to play it before I refreshed the page, but now I can't play it. It won't load.

  46. For some reason I haven't been able to access the game ever since version 1.1 came on.

  47. Can we have like an SWF build instead of exe/dmg/apk?

    Just call it "Other" since it would basically be for all platforms that don't support that.

  48. when on a date with alice if you choose the puns and jokes the game freezes when it passed the charm check....:(

  49. Hi I love your game so far but yet I can't be a patreon yet because Im still a college student under parents supervision so I cant own yet a credit card so I really cant play the patreon version ahahaha by the way can you add a saloon ( to customize a woman's hair or hair color or skin color or even the boobs) because its hard to find a woman to a players preferences xD

  50. Well, I had Alice reached 45 dignity , as I do now to reach 40 ? , Oh is not possible yet?

  51. well , after charm check pass the first choice about puns or something, game got crashed .
    WHy u guys (simbro team) keep trolling my feeling after a tons of time i try to date her (to make love with her of course)

    1. Same, but the thing about how her mood became m??? Or something like that so I doubt it's trollcifng, more of a bug no one got or bothered to say.

  52. can you guys make the female character be able to go to the power relay room and date alice? or are you guys working on it? Can Julia be in the female story line?

    Sorry if I'm asking to much questions

    1. No , they just randomly in the bathroom if you enter it , and i dont know what is power relay room , and of course Julia is a friend of alice , maybe in the future they will focus on Julia ^_^

  53. I thought 1.1 is a free version so i can try on this simbro team web , but nah T_T , i dont even know how to domain patreon or add cash to my profile as a patreon T_T

  54. I'd love to try this game, but the poor contrast for the text makes it very difficult. Make the buttons and the text boxes easier to read, and I'm there. But being one of the very few low-vision players around, I can understand if people aren't going to go out of their way to accomodate for my needs.

  55. Hello the work you guys are doing.
    Just a few suggestions I'm sure you have considered or have already heard
    - I think some more sex scenes should be done. I would love to be able to see the girls pussies. Also, maybe after the cum inside option is picked you can show cum coming out of pussy. Maybe make the dicks look wet while having sex as well
    - More clothing options for the men. Maybe allow character to have a suit or something else.
    - More interactions with all girls. Maybe have a dating function for all the girls.
    - More space. Maybe add a function for more levels to add more rooms and different types of rooms.
    - I think this can be expanded outside of the debt story line. Maybe initially have this as the beginning but expand out to getting more territory. Also...if there is a need for a replacement of the debt story could just have it where pimps are upset at you stepping in their business and stealing there girls for work.
    - More Alice & Julia. I know you hear this alot...but its so frustrating not being able to bang her!!! Lol
    - Maybe add a function where you can put to work the special characters that you obtain from Hitomi
    - More locations. maybe strip club, sex toy store. Maybe add a function where you can expand your business to having a strip club
    - More morning sex scenes with different girls. Like when Julia is trying to quit
    - Expand the glory hole room. I notice that there is two holes in the room...maybe be able to have sex and give head in the rooms
    - Maybe have some way of seducing the female cop & bribing male cops with girls/money.
    Just general question...when trying to date Alice...I feel like its completely random on trying to get her out on a it just because my stats are not good enough to be consistent? Thanks for the time and reading this...Keep up the great work!!!

    1. Also a bug I seems like girls with really long hair...the end of their hair appears to go through their body and shows up in between their legs. Specifically the standing handjob animation

    2. Hello I'm playing I keep on coming up with ideas.
      I don't think anyone has yet made this suggestion so hopefully you guys will find it interesting.
      - Often you have girls who steal a lot from customers that leave them dissatisfied. So maybe incorporate a discipline option for girls who don't perform well. Maybe you can use the cells as a way to teach them not to steal or to make them perform better. Same rules apply you can rape and use them for free until they learn from their mistake. Also...when you fire a girl (due to lack of performance or whatever) maybe have it where they try to get their jobs back by showing their new skills. Just a quick thought I had...I'm sure this could be polished into something beneficial for the game as a whole.

  56. cheat code are: SURPLUS (gain 5k starting money), MEWMEWMEW (A lvl 5 starting girl), IAMTHEWALRUS (enables debug mode to change stats, lvl up, mood, hygiene, and dignity enjoy boy and girl amd remember zone tan watch you fap.

    1. how do enter the cheat codes?

    2. simply you see at version 1.0b Click few time than it will pop up than enter the code.

  57. I have a question: does anyone have more Locations at the Hitomi Scene than the desert? And if not, is there any way to get to These half naked Girls, ore is there everytime`'no luck'?

  58. There appears to be an issue with your method of hosting...

    The flash file wouldn't load for some reason so I checked the network monitor in my browser and the http request returned with a 429 error code. I looked around a little (I copied and pasted the flash URL into the address bar) and it appears to be a drop-box error code.

    Specifically: Error (429)
    This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!


    1. Also, is it possible to include a download-able .swf on this page? I am unable to play .exe or .dmg without having to install 3rd party software.

    2. im having the name problem


  60. how to open a Bank!!!Pls HELP!!VERS 1.1D

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Something that might be great for the game is ways that you can alter the traits of the girl by doing spefic things you can remove or add traits.

  63. Also would be nice if you could sell dresses early on the game it might be usefull and later on if you don't want them to change outfits aswell.

  64. Also forgot to mention it would be nice if you could limit the guys a girl takes in the office because at high levels the other lower girls won't level.

  65. Taking requests for the next girls from the secret room? Sakura, Mystique, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Starfire, Yuna?

    1. Dark Elf Queen from Kuroinu, Kim Possible, Jasmine?

  66. when i download it to my macbook it doesn't open, it says app not found. why is that?

  67. There is a bug in 1.1 that makes HITOMI sex scenes move the player and her off-screen into the bottom right.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.


  69. a suggestion for this game that have police in the slums to try to capture you as recruits new girls or struggles against bullies

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Currently i am using 1.2d it won't save???

  71. When are you putting up 1.2 for apk

  72. Running CCleaner deletes the save file!

  73. How do i get to hire the secretary eva ?

  74. anyone else not able to load it on the page?

  75. uh its not loading plz help

  76. The games not loading like last time.

  77. Guys is it just me or the simbroteam website at Play Simbro latest build when I download the game is still version 1.2 d. I mean comon the deadline past many hours ago and the game is still not updated. That kinda disturbes me :((( I'm still waiting for the updated version on your webiste at the download section ... Or maybe i'm not looking in the proper place. Pls help someone !

    1. well they do not upload the other version you can get the new one IF your a patron but IF not then you have to wait 1 to 2 day after the release of the latest version for free players!

  78. My debt is over now what am I supposed to do has not been opened in the Bank.

  79. Ever since it became 1.2 it wont load on my puffin browser

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. if playing as a female character can i hire eva? help me please

  82. Does anyone know how to update version 1.1 to version 1.2? I know at the top of the website it says to overwrite the file but how do I overwrite it?

  83. Hey, excelent fucking game but if I'm playing the female, how do I offer myself?

    1. yust go into the reception room and when customers appear choose youself. There is an checkbox in the room too (offer yourself) makes your char avalable. But normally its already checked from the start.

  84. arkadaşlar ben borcumu bitirdim ama bankayı açamıyorum ne yapmamlazım lütfen yardım edin.

  85. Hey guys love the game I downloaded it to my PC but I don't get all the updates in fact I'm at day 184 I have over 300,000 dollars nearly paid all the dept I think I have 175 dollars left on my dept I went on like 15 dates with Alice and nothing so um update please xD

  86. been a fan for a long time now, still a great game. keep up the excellent work >.<

  87. I am not able to load the game, and cannot play an .exe, .dmg or .apk file as a Linux user. Please fix it!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. for some strange reason it's not loading again

  91. Two to three short assumptions for improving the game. First makes slaves daily fee cheaper or yust sleeping in their cells while staying naked even after hirering them. It yust doesnt make sense that you need an extraroom and pay double compared to the nonenslaved people. And I dont think you would let them walk arond talking about what happened to them so there is no way they could ever spent the money.

    second: Why cant you turn off the cloths? Maybe with very low dignity? But sereously there is no Reason to completely deny it. So why not giving us the possibility?

    And lastly of cause let Alices dignity drop further. Maybe an Dignity system for all would be a nice addition. So for example some Streetgirls or you only do Gloryhole at the start, and more extreme like gangbang or streetfight (sex with Bandits in the street) later. You even could give them Fightingabilities based on that. Dignity 50 tease 40 Suck, 30 Deepthroat/Titfuck 20 Fuck 10 Gangbang (hits all who has been teased) and 0, well your the designer.

    Even High Dignity could be of use now Heal for example might need 60 or more instead of less.

    Thise is of cause yust my opinion: By the way already awesome game. Played it since version 0.5 and im happy to see its still improving.

  92. How do I hire Eva or at least start off her story? Also why do I get the feeling the bathroom at the bank has more to it? Any sort of help with either of these situations would be greatly accepted.

  93. two words fight club
    for an easier method for guy leveling

  94. - Definitely need to add access to a scene with Alice
    - Pregnancy and a way to avoid it, possibly through purchasable items in the shop?
    - I'm not sure with this one, fix the cages you might have already done this and i just don't know how to use them

  95. how come every time its a new month the game never works.

  96. Can i confirm the exact directions on how to get alice with the shower scene? The earlier post wasn't helping Thanks!

  97. I can't pay back my final debt

  98. can you add a part to the female gameplay you get pregnent then you raise a girl to be a slut or a boy to be smthn idk

  99. The Flirt w Alice and get her to drop her panties option disappeared in v1.3 now you cannot get her dignity below 55. I have restarted the game 5 times since v1.3, and she never goes to the shower any more.

  100. I would like to see some male outfits for the male MC... Like a suit or something.

  101. I went back and found an old 0.8 version on WetPussyGames, and verified I knew remembered how to get Alice's Panties off ... it definitely no longer exists. In short, the game is unplayable with a "new" game until you restore that, because it means you never get her below 55, which means that you will never have fun in the shower, which means the most that you will ever do on a date is see the twins.

    Second, I would like to recommend being able to drag any girl, including Alice, to the Shower. It bites that you can play for very long periods of time and not get her, or Julia, to the shower.

    1. Thanks for noticing. New dating system overlaped the previous flirt options. Fixed to the next bugfix release.

      Maybe we'll do it =)

  102. When will the next bugfix come out. This is kind of a serious error for anyone trying to start a new game.

  103. Am I the only person who wants a Harley Quinn character on here xD maybe a Hitomi thing?

  104. what happened to Julie (Julia?) the maid? How do I get her back? Is there a trigger or was she edited out?

  105. How i can get 40 dignity with Alice, i only have 45, plis?

    1. how did u get it to 45 i cant get it past 50

  106. дайте код на деньги

  107. hey! how can unlock new floor

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Can anyone please let me know how to raise my female mc's stamina any help would be awesome!

  112. just a message to the devs and creators and anyone involved love the game so far cannot wait to see more of it.
    never wanted to fuck someone so badly after all the cock teasing its gone through but everyone prepare to be mad .... there two you get from traveling with hitomi should be like her aswell quest and time based and stuff I really like all the challenge it brings for the goodies at the end

  113. Why just girls have power like nympho, naive, tsundere
    You should be add for guys

  114. is the saving works for everybody, except me? I can't find the .sol files...

  115. Guys,can someone give link for simbro 1.4 android v. NOT DROPBOX pls :3
    sorry for my english:(

    1. Dropbox is actually easy to use that's how I got mine

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  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. First off I just want to say great job to all the creators you've created a fun addicting game.
    It would be cool if the woman actually had babies, also I look forward to seeing the map expansion with places like night clubs, a casino, and a park where you can win money, lose money and meet new people. Lastly, being able to buy a home and build a pool or implementing a pool into the hotel for more scenes, even hosting parties for chances to meet new people based on charm.

    keep up the good work!

  119. adobe flash player 11.2 r202 has stopped working

  120. I was honestly shocked I had to wait 5 extra days... I really hope there isn't such a delay and that it goes back to the end of each month like before. I hope this update allows us to r a p e that police officer lady... just an idea I have is...
    First a new character should be introduced, a camera guy, he 'records' all the sex scenes (it doesn't matter if we can see it or not, it's important for my idea), after that you go to the slums where you find the police officer dressed as a w h o r e.
    Have that officer lady be disguised as an undercover p r o s t i t u t e in the slums and when you approach her, you actually have sex with her (which undercover cops can't do since it's not their job) the camera guy records it and then after you have sex she yells "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!" but then you blackmail her and tell her that you recorded the entire sex scene. You tell her that she has to work for you or you will release her sex tape. You can have the option to have your party r a p e her and lock her in a cell, charm her to go with you and be a s l u t or have her as a spy.


    When the police come to visit and ask for coffee you can put something in the drink and with charm talk the male police officer into working with you and r a p i n g the female officer (he always wanted to fuck the shit out of her) and have the male police officer as a body guard after the rape and kidnap.

  121. When is the 1.5 version coming out for android i tried looking but no success

    1. I'm hoping so cause this game is so addicting I've already done everything I can with alice and julia i got eva from the bank got both chicks from hitomi paid off everything but 1000 at the bank leveled up the brothel twice and all that other good stuff and I've done it within 90 days just waiting for the update so i can go ham on alice some more and see what wonders the creators are bringing to the table

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  123. hi i am a huge fan of this game it has great potential and these are my suggestions
    1 adding futas to the game futa clients and futa girls and to be able to have sex with a girl and a futa or all futas and futa clients and to be able to change your sex boy girl or futa at the hospital
    2change the exp system to meters that could be leveled at a yoga place for flexablity a gym for musle a spa with japanese fountin and thoes things where you can take girls to up their mood or for dates or to up their beauty apolice station where you could hire police girls or bribe or offer girls to lower notority a beach for dates or mood and to be able to take more than one girl where they cn play in water steal eachothers swimsuits btw add swimsuits they can only wear them at beachs and buliding sand castles andput lotion on them or they can put it on your you know what *nudge nudge* a street meet random people and walk with girls after dates where you could be attacked or meet random people to rape and/or kidnap or charm a nightclub a resturant dates bar dates and drink to level your charm and sexschool meet people and up your sex skill by having sex with the frim bondage teatcher and up your wits by stealing from people or taking candy from babies and to be able to charm your trainer with the stat they teatcher and make them join you
    3add traits like teatcher that would make you or others teach other girls at skills and student trait to help them easilylevel their skills
    4add personalitys like frim innocent slut or shy
    5add the possablitys of having children that might make girls leave depending on their dignity where there could be incest
    6add lolis ewe sorry but they are cute
    7 after kidnaping girls instead of stmina makeit mental health and fuck them or use sex toys or both to lower it when it gets lowerd to 0 they become obedient girls who call you master and and work for free you can do that to girls you hired too
    8 be able to summon more than one girl and add gangbang and gangrape
    9girls can become maids and strippers and whores based on their dignity they could be raped or dated till they can do it all
    10 girls can get sick if their hygine gets low byhaving sex with street thugs and hobos 24\7 take them to hospital to help them
    i have more thoughts that i can't think off now but this should help your content lacking problem

    1. there should be the possiblity when play as girl or boy that your party get raped females and males.

  124. Is there A download method for iPhone ??

  125. Replies
    1. You have to upgrade your brothel then go into the basement press build go to cell and wham! You can capture girls you'll have to have high stamina for it though

  126. animation speed up , slow down , zoom button gona be great ;)
