Friday, 28 October 2016

Countdown to 1.6 and 1.7 versions

Countdown to updates started.


  1. I can't wait, It's very hard and long time

  2. this is going to be amazing.

  3. Some sugestions for the game, things that may be implemented with existing code or little modifications

    Statistics: Number of customer served since girl was hired, and daily report of this.

    Anal sex request for example, may be handled like the "No condom" option during scenes or in the Reception scene in the girl selection, in the Request section

    Playing as male, bribe the debt collectors with girls.

    Male cloths should match with customer CLASS: A NOBLE class character should not be dressed like a HOBBO. Also payment for services should match CLASS

    Show the Week's day, along with the day count and the hour

    Costomer number increases on weekends

    More escorts request in the Bar.
    Female playable character may accept the escort request, and this could be done the same way the Male playable character leaves the brothel to travel helped by Hitomi.

    Thanks for reading and please forgive me for my english, im trying to do the best.

    1. Yes maybe a politician like the mayor :) then he can be bribed by the FC for "protection" from cops or given a special girl by the MC for same reason. I would also like to see the bank fixed when u hire eva there is no way to pay your dept the bank manager needs to hire new girl!
      They made the hospital with unlimited girls why can't bank be same

  4. Playing as male, bribe the debt collectors with girls.
    You can already do that they delay the debt collectors in 3 days with any girl and eva 5 days

    1. Sorry I've forgot to say bribe the collectors at the Reception, also try to hire some of them, the girls for example.

    2. oh I see like how fc can have a threesome with debt collectors to get them off her back

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  6. You should be extended selection of functional male / female gender sex in the bar, after the battle, ... in the later version (This is just a small my opinion): )))

  7. uhhh is there any plans in the future for more like flat chested girls, more anal scenes, or or asian girls?

  8. i wish u can add day care center for baby to born n put it there

    1. Because running a brothel is a totally legal buisness ;p

  9. Just a quick comment:

    Love your game! But what about adding bridal Lingerie? I'm missing that particular aspect totally...

  10. Does anyone else think its strange you cant see girls vag in the game

  11. i think they should add more main characters (like alice and julia), and they should be like alice but not as hard to acheive, and more girls with hitomi

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  14. Please add more animations, more and more and more, please.
    This is the best adult game I've ever played!

  15. Please add more animations, more and more and more, please.
    This is the best adult game I've ever played!

  16. Here's my suggestion, im sorry in advanced if someone already mentioned it.

    1) More character that has a role like julia & alice.

    2)More quest for hitoma.

    3)A rival brothel? Or other place needed such as police station and etc.

    4)Ability or option to able to seduce the police officer.

    5)When playing as girl character you should add a doctor in the hospital so you would be able to recruit him just like when you recruit a nurse as a guy character.

    That's it for now, i guess.

    1. Might use your idea for my next simbro video

    2. (Simbro talk) next one should be "what everyone wants"
      still working it making it better then the last one.

  17. I have an idea. Make it so clients say they will pay extra for unprotected sex also anal

  18. I have an idea. Make it so clients say they will pay extra for unprotected sex also anal
